A Scientology Canberra Public’s Blog, relating to L. Ron Hubbard

The name Hubbard was best known as a fiction writer of many genres in the 1930s. He then was locally known for his enrollment in the Second World War. After that, he continued writing his fiction. But because of the war he had an interest in how the mind worked. Many survivors were still badly hurt, emotionally and mentally.

This such for an answer led him down many paths. One was the path of Dianetics, which means, through mind. The next was Scientology, a spiritual and religious philosophy, that this blogger could refer to as a ultimate philosophy of all. But remember that this word Scientology was coined in 1932. It actually preceded Dianetics, though the first published book on Scientology did not arrive until the 1950s. Scientology could simply mean, a study of knowledge. L. Ron Hubbard had actually traveled through China and parts of India and Japan in the 1930s.

L. Ron Hubbard worked helping others lead better lives. What he developed were workable solutions that spanned the entire breadth of our culture.

Those who regularly employ L. Ron Hubbard’s teachings to improve themselves and help others come from all walks of life. Scientology missions and churches have been established on six continents.

The universal acclaim for the man – including thousands of awards and recognitions from individuals and groups and the unprecedented popularity of his works among people from all walks of life – is but one indicator of the effectiveness of his technologies.

Although long celebrated as a writer, novelist and explorer, it was the 1950 publication of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health that initially focused world attention on L. Ron Hubbard. That book, which marked a turning point in history, provided the first workable approach to solving the problems of the mind, the first hope that something could be done about the causes of irrational behavior – war, crime and insanity. Dianetics is something that anyone can use to help improve himself and his fellows. Hence, when the book was released, Amherst College Political Science Professor, Dr. Frederick L. Schuman’s declaration in the New York Times: “History has become a race between Dianetics and catastrophe. Dianetics will win, if enough people are challenged in time to understand it.”

These blogs will get into these various aspects of L. Ron Hubbard’s life, including his adventuring. We hope that by doing this, it is able to put his life into a categorized context.

And for you Australian readers, yes, he was in Australia twice, Brisbane first, and then Melbourne, and we will blog on that as well.

We hope you can enjoy the bogs.